So on national TV last night, the Comrade-in-Chief lets it slip out that he's in favor of bringing back an "Assault Weapons Ban" if he gets to keep his seat for another four years. That should be a huge wake-up call for those of us who understand that our "assault weapons" are protected by the Second Amendment not for the purpose of hunting and sport shooting, but for protection from tyrants like Obama.
When the military - and increasingly, law enforcement - have weapons that far exceed what the general public is allowed to own, liberty is more easily trampled. As a free citizenry, we should never fear our government; rather, it is our government that should fear us! When our government stops fearing us, we have lost our ability to defend our freedoms.
I got a tattoo last weekend, and I believe it fairly well sums up my feelings on this issue.
If you want to grab my AR-15s and my AK-47, by all means, bring it on. There are hundreds of thousands of other owners of these weapons who will not go quietly into the night either. If Obama is looking for a reason to trigger martial law so his DHS minions can play with their shiny new toys, this might just be it.
It would be interesting to see just how many of our armed forces members would comply with such an order. According to what I've been able to read, a large number of our military members understand that their job is to defend our Constitution, as opposed to following illegal orders from a wanna-be tyrant. Local law enforcement might be a bit more lenient on following orders like that, but that would not last long.
As a population, we cannot allow today's version of the musket to be banned from ownership. Doing so would bring us one step further away from liberty, and one step closer to socialized servitude.
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