It's been a little while since I've made a blog post. OK, it's been a LONG while. In fact, I didn't realize how long it had been until I logged in and looked at my past articles.
I suppose I've been suppressing the urge to write an article because there's a part of me that feels like, for the most part, people today are so set in their ways and polarized that nothing one person says will make a difference. In fact, it's easier sometimes to just shake your head, grumble and grouse internally, and keep your thoughts bottled up. You just don't want to "upset" someone or "hurt their feelings" - or worse yet, be the recipient of someone coming completely unhinged and yelling and screaming at you. If you're someone who believes in the Republic, the Constitution, and the concepts of freedom and liberty - especially as our founding fathers envisioned these concepts - then you understand what I'm saying.
In the book "Thirteen Tactics for Realistic Radicals: from Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, this sage piece of advice is given:
Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
It is with this in mind that I read with great interest today's email update published by the organization People for the American Way. Like many other liberal-leaning outlets, PFAW was astonished that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges brought before him. Here is some of the information they posted in their update:
Here are the facts: Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines and used an illegally purchased assault rifle to confront racial justice protesters who had been demonized and made out to be a threat by far-right politicians, commentators, and media outlets.
Yes, Kyle did cross the state line with his AR-15 rifle. It was not modified to fire in automatic mode, so it was not technically an "assault rifle," but that is a distinction that most anti-gun groups fail to recognize. I do not know the specifics of the purchase, so I cannot comment on that. I did find it very amusing that Kyle was confronting "racial justice protesters who had been demonized and made out to be a threat by far-right politicians, commentators, and media outlets."
Now why would protesters who are brazenly acting in an unruly manner, destroying property, defying law enforcement officers, and assaulting other people be demonized? Can you think of any reasons? I surely can, and it's nothing more than the left's attempt to ridicule conservatives for their viewpoints on law and order.
It's also interesting to note (even though PFAW fails to do so) that Kyle, like many others that evening, was there to protect property from the "peaceful protesters". Had these "peaceful protesters" done exactly that - protested peacefully - the deceased protesters would probably still be alive today. But we cannot confuse hype and drama with facts.
The protest that Rittenhouse felt compelled to confront was over the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man shot multiple times by police outside of a family function. The “threat” perceived by Rittenhouse and the other armed white vigilantes who took to the streets of Kenosha – many of whom were associated with the militia movement – was people speaking out against structural white supremacy and the disregard for Black lives.
The verdict in this case further enables that white supremacy and will be seen as tacit encouragement by our criminal justice system for racially-inspired white mob violence – unless we do something about it.
It's interesting to note that "mob violence" is abhorrent when conservatives are the perpetrators; but it is "saving our democracy" when liberals are the perpetrators. Again, they are taking a page straight out of the Alinsky playbook: ridicule the opposition. The liberal left is very good at this. Those of us on the conservative (or even libertarian) side tend to shy away from doing that because we tend to take the "moral high ground."
That’s why we’re calling on the Department of Justice to initiate an investigation of Rittenhouse’s actions. There must be accountability for white vigilantism aimed at suppressing peaceful racial justice protests.
This is gaslighting at its finest. The more the liberal left portray the protests as peaceful and the citizens who bothered to protect their property when law enforcement failed to do so, the more the masses will start to believe it. Those who truly care about the American Republic cannot allow themselves to fall into this trap.
The facts of this case were clear. But the political climate fostered by the Trump administration and its white supremacist adherents poisoned the justice system’s ability to do its job. And the consequences could be devastating.
The facts in the case were indeed clear, and as provided by our legal system, Kyle was tried by a jury of his peers and acquitted. A kangaroo court was not held. One person did not act as judge, jury, and executioner. The system worked just as it was supposed to. The accused was brought to trial, the evidence was presented, and a verdict was delivered.
Our legal system is not perfect! But if it is indeed so bad, why do people die trying to come to this country to find protection under our system of governance?
I also find it amusing that it's been over a year since the elections of 2020, and Former President Trump is still living rent-free in the minds of many liberals. They just cannot let him go!
We’re an incredibly divided nation, heading into a major national election, and this verdict gives the appearance of condoning political violence. It can’t be the end of the story.
This is probably the first thing PFAW got completely right in this update: "We're an incredibly divided nation."
We are.
We are divided because of the non-stop attacks on the former President, fomented by one-sided reporting of the majority of the media. We are divided because one group of people claim to be inclusive, loving, caring, and all about acceptance... provided you follow their beliefs and teaching.
You must accept the LGBTQ+ lifestyle.
You must accept that anyone who is not a Caucasian American is underprivileged and unable to progress in society on their own power, without handouts, grants, or other government/social assistance.
You must accept that, despite the fact (and the science) that all humans are born in exactly one of two ways (with either XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes), there are more than two sexes. (And then there's the whole discussion of sex vs. gender.)
You must accept, if you are a Caucasian male, that your masculinity is what has caused many of the problems in this country.
You must accept that any and all police-involved shootings, where the officer is a Caucasian male and the suspect is not, is racially motivated and a travesty of justice. In fact, this has trickled down into less violent situations. For example, Philadelphia, PA has instructed officers to no longer conduct basic traffic stops because they impact and target minorities at a rate that exceeds non-minorites.
You must accept that as a Caucasian American, you are a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, white supremacist, Neanderthal.
You must accept that those who want to change your point of view (because your viewpoints are toxic) will be allowed to essentially say, write, and do whatever they wish to effect that change, because theirs is the cause of justice. Theirs is the proper way of thinking. You are no longer allowed to harbor beliefs that do not comport to theirs.
Those who truly care about this Republic and the values under which it was built CANNOT allow themselves to fall prey to their siren song. It is a long and difficult fight, but it must be done. They do not play by the rules of a civilized populace, and they gaslight and ridicule those who would stand up to them.
People for the American Way? Only if that's a Socialist Amerika. They confuse "democracy" for a "democratic republic." There is a difference. And if you are someone who believes in freedom, liberty, and saving our great Republic, you must be strong. You must be willing to stand up to those who would threaten the very fabric of what has made this country great for over 240 years.
You can no longer sit silently by and give them no rebuttal.
It is time to awaken the sleeping giant.